Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pining for the Beach

Am I dreaming?  Is January disappearing in a blink?  It must be time for another trip out to  Point Reyes, time to let my eyes rest on the horizon, time to let time stand still.

Or, we could just go back to Sea Ranch, and rent a house for another week.  I am missing the Edge of the Continent, where the wilderness touches the sea.

A lesson in Irish Breakfast:  Irish Coffee.  Seriously, this was a first for me, but could be repeated easily.
Jameson.  Good, thick French Press Coffee.  Whipped Cream.

Yes.  I am so fond of my coffee pot.

Joseph and Maureen brought their new Christmas gifts out with them, which included a new, handy-dandy pressurized whipped creamer, you know, like the Downtown Bakery uses.  A dangerous gift.

Usually, Wayne is somewhat of a purist about breakfast.  This was to his liking.  He may have met his Irish genes in this cup.  A new breakfast of champions.

The Master Irish Barista.

Quickly masterful!

She's Irish, too.

Yes.  That was fun, celebrating the New Year at the coast.

Today I cleared the garden, it is now ready for the rototiller.  I've pulled and dug out the horrible, nasty grass, and filled the bin with it.  The hens have been working with me, fluffing feathers and finding tasty morsels under the mulch.  The sun has been shining daily, and the nights are cool, sometimes foggy.  I pruned the grape and just two roses.  Pulled more grass.

I like this, slowing down to season.  Getting ready for the rush of Spring, which isn't far off.

So, for tonight, I'm slow.  Outside it sounds like there is an owl in our backyard maple.  Dogs sacked.  Dinner bubbles.  Happy Mid-winter Eve.



Merry ME said...

Why isn't your garden covered in snow?
Do you rototill snow?

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely, peaceful post. And I'm loving that you're drinking whiskey at breakfast!

Anonymous said...

Having just spent the day at Point Reyes, I couldn't agree more! Long walk at Limantour and a great poetry reading at the Red Barn at Olema.
Ocean, ocean, ocean...g.

Ms. Moon said...

What is it about the water which encourages drinking?
Ah- I posted about feeling that I will soon be getting my hands in the dirt too.
Lovely post.

Bethany said...

ah, gardening...
loved hearing about your start.

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