Yellow.No name, as of this moment.
Be strong and of a good courage... for the Lord thy God, he is is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6
Every person is, as Emerson said, "dear to the heart of God." We [can] develop an increasing consciousness that we are protected and guided in everything we do, say, or think.
From 365 Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. (today being Nov. 19)
A painting has cousins. Named Poetry. Named Writing. Named Relations. Named Prayer. Named Inspired. Named Keep Going.
Last night I put the last layers of color on the as-of-now-unamed painting. Three of my pieces will be on stage this week through Thanksgiving at our Center for Spiritual Living. To me this is a huge honor. I gave myself stage fright telling my daughter how many people, and therefore eyes, were going to be seeing my work. Late yesterday afternoon, Sandy and I lined up the paintings along the hedge and gave them a mini critique, deciding to move forward with the original plan... do not quit now! Not yet! Keep Going! So I plugged in the fan, painted a layer, let it dry somewhat, painted another, watched NOVA(There is One God...), painted some more, and quit. Sandy came over again, gave it the nod of approval and I am so grateful for artist friends/neighbors.
I mentioned to her, "Maybe I should take my paints to goodwill, and give my brushes away." She whirled around and said, "WHAT?" I started to repeat, she interrupted. "No, you have to paint. That is all there is to it."
Sometimes I think about tossing my writing. Burning journals(probably going to do that, regardless). Throwing out the cookbooks.
DEAR HEAVEN! What a twist this little typing session has taken. Back Off! O foul thinking!
So. Please say a prayer for my Luna dog. She has(up until now) a dastardly itching, replete with a new batch of welts. A prayer for all of us to climb back into our skins and look and experience the wonder around us.
I love you.