I love looking at my daughters and nieces and granddaughters! Of course I love being in their presence, and looking at photos (these from last weekend's baby shower for the one in pink!). I see the familial resemblences which just make me giggle. Yes, all you gorgeous women and girls, I love you like breath and light and Life! All ways, every moment!
Here is what got me going this morning:
41st Verse
A great scholar hears of the Tao
and begins diligent practice.
A middling scholar hears of the Tao
and retains some and loses some.
An inferior scholar hears of the Tao
and roars with ridicule.
Without that laugh, it would not be the Tao.
So there are constructive sayings on this:
The way of illumination seems dark,
going forward seems like retreat,
the easy way seems hard,
true power seems weak,
true purity seems tarnished,
true clarity seems obscure,
the greatest art seems unsophisticated,
the greatest love seems indifferent,
the greatest wisdom seems childish.
The Tao is hidden and nameless;
the Tao alone nourishes and brings everything to fulfillment.
This was especially meaningful to me this morning in that I stumble now and then (ha!) into the abyss of doubt. Oh Confessions! Why do I even attempt writing, or submitting my writing to esteemed journals of fabulous poetry and prose? WhyOwhy bother? And that stuff I call painting??? Why do that? Why not go out and do something constructive, that earns if not praise, at least lots of money?
Look at those radient, beautiful faces. Look at the brown eyes, the wide smiles, the lost teeth. Look at the Intelligent Life and Love emanating from each one. Would I doubt any one of these Incredible Spirits? No. The answer is no, never, nada, nope.
So this morning in recognising that I indeed go forward even though it seems as though I am in reverse, I can relax and know that Lao Tzu mentions that "the greatest art seems unsophisticated"and it is said just to me. Just me. Right Now.
Blessings on this day.
I love you.