Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Weekend of Healing

Everyone knows that the face of their dog is a sight to behold...
I do not hold "The World's Biggest Authority" title, or even the world's most beautiful dogs.. I just talk and write a lot about them!    Who knew a Dalmation Pit Cowdog could be so noble?

Wayne and I and Luna went to a cabin in the woods above Mendocino this weekend past.  We went with no agenda, except to find and pick huckleberries before the rains came.  Wayne had the beginnings of a sore throat, so he had the opportunity to relax with the biggest job being to open the front door in the dusky dark.  We went down into the village for supper at the Pub after building a fire to cozy-up the place.  Luna had to bark manically at the neighbor dog who was just doing his big-guy job of guarding his flock of white turkeys (a chaotic moment, that one).  As we entered the pub we were met with a noisy crowd, one empty table (ours!), warm golden light, and music from the late '60's, early '70's.  The waitress looked like one of our girls, and most of the patrons & patronesses looked like they were high schoolers...  such a weird deja-vu.  It smelled and looked like a bar, circa 1971 in Arcata, Ca.  Our conversation was a little limited because of the din, but we had a delicious meal replete with garlic fries and gooood cole slaw, oh, and excellent NY style pickles!  

The next morning we had coffee from heaven, and a slow breakfast.  Our conversation explored and lingered in the little dark places of our hearts where grief has taken refuge.  We played with Luna, and made forays out to the brush to check for berries, and to the woodshed for tiny pieces of wood for the fairy stove.  I spent time in the Morning Pages.

Eventually Wayne and Luna went out with a bucket (a cooking pot, really) on the Holy Huckleberry Quest.  I continued to write, as I was on a tear.  When Luna returned to the cabin and commenced thundering around throwing noisy things, I got up, got dressed, got my own pan and went outside, into the grey drizzling coastal morning.  Well, it was noon by now!

We discovered that Luna could be off-leash and stay with us.  She crawled through the underbrush like it was her first-calling.  She begged for berries, and I showed her how to pick her own, which she did.  She leaped over logs and crashed around nearby, playing catch with limbs and chunks of bark.  We picked a couple of gallons of berries... yes, this is the perfect task for Wayne, because, as we all know, the best berries grow far above my head.

Before we left for the coast, Wayne and I had gone up to look at and be with, the Labrador pups.  They gathered around Wayne's size 15 shoes and each of the pups grabbed a shoelace; it looked as though it was going to be a most interesting Maypole!  They flopped over for belly-rubs and bit his fingers, and that is was what got to him!  "Meat Pie drew blood every day! Luna never did..."  Seriously, that isn't all that got to him, but it made us laugh.  We did it. Decided. Said yes to Baby Boy Purple.

At the cabin we talk.  We affirm our Life and Love.  We laugh.  We eat.  We sleep.  And then we clean up our tracks and slip back out the lane and back to Highway 1 which brings us back to our little house.  We will pick up the pup on Monday, live and trust each moment from this spot of Now, of Love.
These are the Huckleberries.  Full of all the vital nutrients of the forest and coastal air.  Full of long, meditative moments in the brush.  Full of childhood memories, and soon to fill up a pie crust with the darkest purple nirvana!

And the new little guy... his name is Emerson.



Sorrow said...

oh my gosh,
What a wonderful name!
and sure to be a deep woods kinda fella.
I miss huckleberry jam..
was a sweet childhood memory..
a heartfelt smile sent to you..
and yours + one

Suzanne said...

Oh, your love and light just pour through your words. Huckleberries, and a new puppy (Emerson, indeed! Splendid.}. How wonderful that Luna was able to frolic. Hurray for velvet puppies and love.

Bimbimbie said...

Sounds like you had a lovely memory making weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing Luna showing little Emerson how to frolic with a noble air. Smiles*!*

Friko said...

a glorious tale; I really liked it. such lovely feelings beautifully portrayed.

Bethany said...

You dog is gorgeous. What a fun mix. Very regal. Stunning really.
Congrats on the new pup. Huckleberries! They look yummy. I don't think I've ever had one. Love your writing and adventure though. Esp teaching the dog how to pick her own berries!

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