Monday, September 10, 2012

Garden of Eden, Sonoma Style

Someone Who Can Kiss God
by my friend, Hafiz

Come to my house late at night---
Do not be shy.
Hafiz will be barefoot and dancing.

I will be
In such a grand and generous mood!

Come to my door at any hour,
Even if your eyes
Are frightened by my light.
My heart and arms are open
And need no rest---
They will always welcome you.

Come in, my dear,
From that harsh world
That has rained elements of stone
Upon your tender face.

Every soul
Should receive a toast from us
For bravery!

Bring all the bottles of wine you own
To this divine table---the earth
We share.

If your cellar is empty,
This whole Universe
Could drink forever
From mine!

There may be no other place on the planet quite as beautiful as this Sonoma County!  The grape harvest has begun.  Days are hot, nights cool, colors exquisite.  Hafiz probably wanders the countryside, maybe drives my car, throws my camera on the floor, dogs in the back, directs me.  And I thank him for his insistence.  I love September.



Anonymous said...

Laura! Every facet of this jewel of a post is gleaming with beauty, every word, every image. Hafiz certainly is driving, m'dear. Thank you for sharing the beauty. The light on the champagne grapes is beyond description...

Merry ME said...

Beautiful, as always!

N2 said...

I am loving your harvest snaps, so full of burnished light. x0 N2

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