Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Programs

After several failed attempts at capturing the seasonal pageants, I just focused on my Beloveds.  One Kindergartner (no name, haha!) transported me to when my youngest was of this age.  Well, one must admit that all the excitement and preparation, and late night, and Goodness Knows where dinner was last, that a Kindergarten Grandson was understandably twitchy!

At the end of the "Holiday Program" last night, I asked this one if I could take her photo, and she replied, "I don't have my costume on!" and went about her way.  This turns out to be the bestest photo of the evening!  Yes, I have some of her dancing in her awesome costume, but have yet to figure out how to use the  Get Rid Of The RedEye feature on iPhoto. Life is a continual learning process.

So, Winter Solstice is upon us.  For Californians, it is the driest-in-20+ years December.  The frost has sparkled for many mornings.  I never seem to get warm, until I've consumed too much coffee.  I want to take advantage of the drier weather in the garden, to clean it up, turn the soil, mulch with leaves.  But I haven't.  I stare into the bare, skeletal trees.  I walk way way way out into and around the largest vineyards.  The dogs and I go to the Lake.  I paint.

And yes, gratitude swells and takes hold.  I am grateful.

Loving you.


Elizabeth said...

There's something so tender and vulnerable about the swirl of hair in a bun.

Merry ME said...

The dryness, the time, the dogs all together they sound like a gift and Rx from Mother Nature. I think you've made a wise choice.

N2 said...

Beautiful hair up do. Glad you were there to capture it. Check in C-54, there are people who are trying to be in touch. x0 N2

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