Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The red has begun.  The blush.  We know the goodness that is plumping up within.  No wonder this fruit is a symbol of prosperity, of fertility.  It is just so full.  And I wait, almost holding my breath, through the beautiful, shorter days, burning hot mid-way, cooling with the lengthening nights, wait for the skin to crack, to reveal the dark red seeds.  Party time:  I am developing an understanding of the Acorn Woodpeckers who know well when it is time to harvest and stash.

Today I gathered the winter squash.  Ooohh.  Yes.  I am envisioning soup.  Baked squash.  Yum.  It has been many years since I have grown these.  Last year friends gifted us with homegrown Butternuts and seriously, there is nothing on the planet quite so good.  I sure hope my friend Nancy brings home some of that stupendous French burre; oh, I better stop before I make myself hungry.

Yes.  I love egg photos.  There is just something so pleasing about them.  It's the same thing that Hafiz speaks of, something Divine.  I suspect that their shape and color has always pleased the human eye.

Seasonal changes.
Rich color.
Warm wind.
Coyote howl.
Floating leaves.

It's a grateful kind of prayer, I guess, opening to the gentle Fall.
Love and hugs.


N2 said...

Beautiful post, beautiful pictures, beautiful prayer.
You are the Goddess of Bounty, my Dear.

I'll definitely bring beurre to trade for a pomegranate or two =o).


TjandMark/AKA PearlandHawkeye said...


Ms. Moon said...

The very best kind of prayer.

Annie Jeffries said...

You are like Lady Bountiful sharing all these gifts of the earth with us. Farmers' Market day is tomorrow. I'm going to collect my own bounty of Fall goodness.

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