Oh! Can you feel it? Our planet taking a dip into new seasons, some bird looks up today and says, "Today is the day, we are heading South...or, North!"
So, I have the assignment of listing 6 things which make me happy. Or was it 6 things I love? Or was it 6 things I like? To my way of thinking by now, I have merged them together which I hope, does not disqualify me or anything.
And Thank you, Peter, for sending me this direction! We went North again over the weekend, to go kayaking and huckleberry picking and I kept thinking, "This! This is one of my favorite things!" I love breathing the fresh ocean air, seeing the lagoon grow its own fog, listening to the Pacific Ocean beyond the sand dunes. I love taking a short road trip with Wayne, talking 'til I'm tired and he is comatose, eating Mexican food and going to the fabric store... all in one day!
6. Chartres Cathedral: The Black Madonna. The Rose Windows. The light that slants into the Cathedral. The wind that howls through the steeples and crashes and bangs. The spiritual pilgrims of many nationalities who fill the Cathedral often. The cathedral below the cathedral, the Druid well, the vibration that emanates from Mother Earth at this spot, and most of all... that I can feel that vibration!
5. The Land. The Ocean. The Planet. My garden dirt. Walking to the river, laying in the grass, smelling the rain coming, watching clouds be the negative-space in front of last night's just-past-full-moon, planting seeds, digging potatoes....
4. I love my dogs! Most all dogs, and lots of dog people. I love a dogs' sense of humor, and how they just simply expect, no ANTICIPATE, the absolute best in any given moment, and surely in the next moment all will just get better. I want that.
3. My Art. Your Art. Our Art. Working in my studio, painting or sewing or thinking or looking out the window is/are my favorite things to do. Writing poetry. Reading poetry. Listening to poetry. I love being with my grandkids in my studio. I love listening to what they have written, or what they are about to make.
2. Life Itself. Life expressing. Love.
1. My Family. Being a Grand Mother is the most amazing experience. Being a Mother is, too. Being a granddaughter, a daughter, a sister, an auntie and a Grand Auntie! Being a wife and a friend, being a cousin, a niece, a second-cousin, being a sister-in-law... it's all pretty vast! And a continual opportunity to Love and Be Loved, to grow, to accept and to celebrate. My family has taught me more than I could ever write down, probably more than I could ever know. I do know that whenever I talk to one of them on the phone, or see one of them after a long time of not seeing them, it is as though time has stood still. The connection continues. My dad used to call me on Sunday evenings, and to this day when the phone rings on Sunday night, I half expect him to be there, "Hi! How are ya?" and we could start in where we left off...
Once again, thank you for this opportunity. It has been good to think about these things. Life is good. All Is Well!
And I nominate... la diabla (might have to check the spelling there!)! She is a bloggess close to my heart (always!), as she is the first person I ever knew who had a blog... AND she let me read it!!! Guess now I have to go tell her what to do (mmmm, I love that!).
I'm curious to know what huckleberries taste like. I get that same look when I see a packet of chocolate biscuits or a bar of chocolate lol *!*
Enjoyed reading your six things.
Chartes Cathedral. One of the most magnificent places I have ever had the privilege to enter. Beyond breath-taking.
The biscuit trick is great - I have a passport photo of my youngest where the biscuit is just out of shot. ( it was a custard cream )
Huckleberries intrigue me as well, they look a bit like blackcurrants . . .
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