Friday, August 22, 2008

Labrador mid-morning snack

Well, breakfast was good, and these are too.

And look who arrived in the mail yesterday!  All are up and peeping this morning!  Jolee was up two or three times during the night to check on them, the last time feeling worried because there was not a sound coming from the nursery box... to find them all sacked-out, laying on their sides!  Has anyone heard a chicken snore?  This little batch of mail-order mixed Bantums has landed in one of the Paradises On Earth... Jim and Jolee's.

Annie said that she "had fun at Nonnie's Jungle!"

And Life is Good in Nonnie's Jungle!

I love you!


1 comment:

Laura Paine Carr said...

A quick PS.... grapes are BAD for dogs. The ones inside the yard must be picked today before the girls make themselves 'sick as a dog!' xoxoLC

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