Monday, July 14, 2008

sunflower celebration

Some kind of celebration going on
a day with blue sky and cool breeze
Morning Glory blazing the after dawn
burnished Sunflower nodding

Fires unleashed in the Four Directions
flames lick their way up canyon
mountain range, rocky ridge
burning where no flame has
torched for decades

It is difficult for me, one with eyes
that see so close by, the foal down the lane
my brown-eyed granddaughters 
slick-coated dogs, tall sons
to look at the ochre sky
and not fear for Life itself

Perhaps Sunflower is as strong a medicine
her face follows the sun through the day
open, receptive and giving of her thick pollen
her leaves riddled by mysterious night-feedings
she stretches skyward to outdistance
earthbound fear or questioning reality

Fire simply burns.  Flames feed upon dry fuel
animals race to safety, providing the path is unblocked
the 'larger picture' has a broader view than one
whose home sits in the smoke, endangered
yet it appears that a huge house-cleaning is taking place
in spite of, or in accordance with Modern Living.

Perhaps we are being reminded
to plant gardens, to be loving to all
to open to the Good that Is, to share
our smile and gift the world with unabashed
wholehearted Love.  Continuously.


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