To know know know you, is to love love love you
and I do I do, yes I do.
Today my grandson, Kai, is S I X ! How this has happened already is one of those mysteries which will never be solved. Today his mama, my Elisabeth, was sworn in as a Search and Rescue person. Newly trained and building: probably not correct lingo, but that is how I see it. This is a milestone for her, a marker, a stepping-stone, and the ceremony celebrates each one of the new people for their dedication, their hard work, and their service. One might say, this is a tall job: and it is
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend as planned. Being a coughing person right now, it is best to stay home and not frighten anyone.
And I will just have to show up later with donuts or something that a policeman would like for his birthday. Yes. Now I have a plan.
I headed out to the garden for some chard to put in the Pumpkin Curry soup, grabbed my camera because it is indescribable outside. Realized, "Oh, this feeeels soooo goooood!" The air is light-hearted, the birds delirious, there are the beginning of color-riots, even in my dog-tormented yard. When else do you sit down for a moment, on your own porch step, and appreciate the Cyclamen and Alyssum?
This is the Candy Cane mint. I am going to make some syrup with it. Because, it tastes like that; like the middle of a chocolate mint patty (I mean a really good one). It's great for tea, and a main ingredient of my Girlfriend Tea. My "Eldest" after having said yes to a cup of tea, peered over my shoulder at this very clump and exclaimed, "Eeeeeeeeewwwww. Mom. There's ants in there." Bear in mind, if you don't remember, this is my favorite Nursey daughter speaking.
Old Flag.
This is the bush Cecil Brunner. I dug her up from Mom's yard in Ferndale. She was astonished (the rose, not Mom) finding herself in Cloverdale, which can only be described as the polar opposite of Ferndale. Today I notice that there are many buds. Oh, everyday gets even better.

Those days that I was either in my bed flat, or in my bed on my side, I had some weird dreams. The most notable was the FB Dialogues. Understand that I slept for 41.5 minutes and then woke up. This went on for three days, and is why I missed Easter. The dream picks up where it left off, repeats itself, and goes forth a bit. Someone states their state-of-mind, and someone comments. "No! That's not right!" I say vehemently, and my mental chatter commences. Sometimes bits of disturbing national news enters the string of comments. My mind sticks to the disturbance, like a fly to flypaper. Flopping from side to side, winding myself tightly in sheets and layers of pajamas, I argue relentlessly with the "facts" only to awaken confused and disoriented in darkness and tangled clothing. The second night repeated the first, with the addition of a new photographic trick performed by FaceBook, whereby images appear, swirl apart into molecular fragments, mix together with red, and reform in 3-D. For many reasons, the images were reassuring to me, at least I could count on them.

Calendula Baby! These pretties are loving this two-day renewal of Spring. Oh yes, let us get to bloomin' and so they do.
I managed the FB Demon by calling in something more real to me, though it took some Doing. I said, "God, this will never do: Comments fly around like nobody's business, and upset me. I obsess on nobody's business, and this is driving me crazy in a nutshell." God most likely looked at the clock, noting that it is 3:14 a.m., smiled and "She's serious. Good."
Yes, it is good to recover.
Happy Birthday Kai!
Congratulations, Liz!
I really do love you.