After spending two days short of two weeks away from home, husband and dog, I find myself in a bit of a dither landing square into my former life. The seasonal changes are obvious, I can see grand swatches of yellow in the Cottonwood tree, there is a cool breeze, and I do NOT hear the busy conversation of the Orioles. I had a feeling that they would've headed south by the time I'd returned from Whidbey Island, and it appears that they have.
After many adventures and a new book title, I was faced this morning with a disconcertingly white page. Blank. Blank like my mind.
Imagine the airport authorities pulling a large (HUGE! was their description) butcher knife out of your good friend and traveling companion's computer bag. Yes. That really did happen, which makes it non-fiction.
Imagine discussing and grumbling over whether something is fictional or not. Imagine listening to readings every night except for two, where we were so tired that we had to take long walks in the cool night air. Imagine being filled up every single day with all-things literary! Seriously, it was heaven!
Imagine having your beloved camera go bonkers. Big bummer. So Mt. Baker, and Mt. Rainier, and The Olympic Peninsula, the fog, and the deer, and the smooth white stones are all still back there, waiting to have their portraits taken by me.
So. I guess I am imagining that now I need (NEED) a new computer, a new camera, and a nice little cottage on an island in the Puget Sound.
Luna is keeping a close eye on me, even napping. Mayhap we will be going swimming soon.
Good to be back, seriously.