clouds have slid in from the west
now it’s cold and the peach blossoms
look fragile, their pink delicate sweet
this lesson in detachment looms
how did it get into my curriculm?
letting go does not mean less love
rather, a flair for freedom, a whisper
of grace, a child’s delight unfettered
I, so human today, clench my jaw
worry my forehead
who thought that I would lay claim
to The Tao, to God, to Goddess?
most likely any who have known
me, played basketball or Scrabble
with me. Ha! She cares rightously
isn’t it so easy? let sleeping dogs lie
let it go, let it be
No! no no no no no no no no no
funny how babies learn that word
and know its use on first try
the peach blossoms may blow away
they may be destroyed by this incoming
storm, may not bring one peach to fruition
my joy in their pink remains a gift
acceptance becomes crystalline